What Have You Been Doing For Your Own Health Lately?

Yes, we can have some problem and run to the doctor. He or she will then prescribe something that treats, maybe, the symptoms. You might exchange 20 words with the doctor himself if you’re lucky, but the rest is talk with the nurse or physicians assistant and the office staff.

Very often the problem remains, or returns, because the real problem wasn’t addressed, only the effect, or symptoms. And it doesn’t look like that will change anytime soon.

It’s not really the doctor’s fault either. He does what he was taught, what he has time for, and what the insurance companies tell him he can or can’t do. And he is also influenced by the big drug manufacturers. Sometimes, many times, HIGHLY influenced.

So what can you or I do to help ourselves? Plenty!

Let’s start with becoming informed, and to be truly informed we need to be open to new ideas. After all, at one time the world was believed to be flat, and Columbus was proclaimed a heretic for believing otherwise. But exploring new thought is the only way we learn and progress.

In my own health journey, I’m not only looking at improvement, but also prevention, which is something our current healthcare system does not look at, not do they want to or want us to, because it’s not a profitable endeavor.

I want to understand as much as possible about how my body functions and what the possibilities are so I can walk into any medical office informed and able to weigh the pros and cons of any procedure or drug suggested or prescribed.

For me, at 54 (tomorrow, btw :), it may seem prevention is mostly water under the bridge and many others feel that way also. But it isn’t really. Stop what’s causing the dysfunction now, correct it, and prevent it from occurring again. And learning preventative measures, even if there really is no going back, can give you the background you need to truly understand your conditions and manage them, if not turn them around.

Then you may take charge of your issues and use your newfound knowledge and desire (ah, desire/want, another BIG factor in healing) to take charge of your health and move forward. IF you have serious issues, you need to keep your healthcare provider informed and work with him or her. If they don’t want to listen to you, you might want to get another opinion.

Don’t spin your wheels. Use your innate healing power to drive change!

What have I been doing for myself? Come back next week to find out.

Til then, Get Happy and Get Healthy!

And more furbaby pics!


Eza on the left and Simon sharing some sunshine. Forgive the bright light in these photos. I can’t get these animals to pose in the right places or to sit still long enough!


Annie and Peeper.


Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Or more like “Websites, and Marketing, and Business, Oh My”! and then some.

Things are going fast. I’m still behind on studies and now trying to build some content for websites and newsletters, customize a school provided website, sew a new professional wardrobe and sew one more garment for a re-enactor. Weather has been against us on gardening, so will be doing a fast and furious catch-up on that, plus another event next weekend. It’s certainly a good thing I don’t have children to take care of and a full-time outside the home job right now.

So the bottom line is it looks like I don’t have too much of a post for this week 😦

I will, however leave you with 2 pics of 2 of my little, or not so little, muses. Peeper is the one on top. He chose Charlie as his mentor/idol. Since I raised Peeper and his sister Libby from about a day old, they never knew a kitty mom. Peeper does just about everything Charlie does and Charlie just sort of tolerates him. And Charlie is the laziest, most laid-back cat of the bunch. Anyway the pic shows Peepers adoration.

My babies!


Our Whole Foods Cleanse

The bulk of today’s post is on a separate page with the same title, because it’s a bit longer than I would like to post here. Check the page links on the left. It’s about the results of our detox/elimination diet.

I also want to keep it more at the forefront and easy to find.

Tonight I’m going to join a conference call to find out about an upcoming detox plan. I’m excited about doing this detox, but also I will find out about purchasing the plan for the rights to offer it to others. These are pretty low cost plans for the end user compared to so many others out there that are available to anyone.

The plans include a guide, shopping list, meal plan, recipes, other helpful tips and tools, and email or private FB group support. If you have the slightest interest, leave a comment and/or email me at genahowe.health@gmail.com. I will be glad to answer your questions and guide you on a path to feeling better! Check those results on the other page to see what is possible!

In the meantime, I hope to be working on my website and have at least the bare bones up soon if I do buy the rights to some plans to sell!

Don’t forget the read the page of the same title about the detox results!

Until next week, “Get Happy and Get Healthy”!

Feeling Awesome


Wild violets and horseradish leaves

Wow, what a beautiful morning! Warm, breezy, sunny, and full of animal life. I stood and watched a pair of doves on a tree branch out back, sitting side and by side and just doing their normal preening, but they are so beautiful with a beautiful sound. And I heard a quail the other morning. I hope he or she comes back with a mate!

I feel good, wide awake and energized. I woke with new ideas for my future business. Things are rolling!

In home matters, we are finally making some ground on the gardens. We have lady bugs, and a real treat these days, honey bees. They are so incredibly important to our worldwide food supply. Real food, that is.

We planted a bunch of wildflowers, including beneficial bug flowers, native perennials, low growing, and shade loving flowers. We also planted a variety of sunflowers.

A couple of garter snakes have remained, much to my husband’s dismay. But I convinced him, I think, to leave them alone. He is wicked with a hoe when it comes to snakes; taught by his granny!

Our detox is going very well. 2 more days, then we will add back the eliminated foods and see what happens. I’ve lost 4 pounds in 6 days, have much more energy, sleep better, have an improved attention span, and my skin texture is  better. I found over this past winter I was sleeping more and more. Most times 10-11 hours. Because of long cold winter? Fatigue? Not sure, but now I’m waking refreshed at 9 hours.

My husband’s blood pressure has dropped dramatically, almost to where it needs to be. Systolic dropped from 178 to 149. If I was home, I could give you the whole reading. I think it’s mostly due to elimination of caffeine and alcohol and increased water intake. Dehydration takes a toll on everything. Not sure at the moment what his weight loss has been. But he also sleeps better and has more energy.

We feel great and are ready to go to the next level! The program we are on currently is easy to do and we are not hungry. It is based on whole foods, and not a juice fast or a supplement based detox.

Alert! I want to start offering these programs to others. They are developed by a detox specialist. I’m just now getting the information on this, so stay tuned.


‘Til next time,

Get Happy and Get Healthy!



Happy May Day!

Though I usually only post once a week, I found a few good resources I would like to share. And it’s a great day to post a pretty spring picture!

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For the gluten-free crowd:

Laminated cards with easy to understand language you can send to the restaurant kitchen so chef and staff can understand your needs. Each set has 10 languages.


Free healthy goodies recipes. Andrea Hood is offering these:



Ever wonder why kefir is so good for you? Read here:



Having a hard time drinking as much water as you know you need to? Try infused waters. I find cucumber water particularly refreshing.




And last one; who can resist ice cream? Try a healthier version from the Nourished Kitchen. They even have healthier versions of toppings. I can’t wait to try this Chai Coconut Ice Cream!

Chai Coconut Ice Cream